MidnightsunCTF 2019 polyshell WriteUp
1. Intro
DEFCON의 doublethink와 비슷하게 하나의 쉘코드로 5개의 아키텍쳐에서 같은 로직을 실행하도록 짜야했다.
2. Solve
youngjoo@ubuntu1804 # ~$ nc polyshell-01.play.midnightsunctf.se 30000
Welcome to the polyglot challenge!
Your task is to create a shellcode that can run on the following architectures:
The shellcode must run within 1 second(s) and may run for at most 100000 cycles.
The code must perform a syscall on each platform according to the following paramters:
Syscall number: 205
Argument 1: 39360
Argument 2: A pointer to the string "locate"
You submit your code as a hex encoded string of max 4096 characters (2048 bytes)
Your shellcode:
위와 같이 특정 argument를 가진 syscall을 5개의 아키텍쳐에서 실행해야 했다.
sc = '\xeb\x13\x00\x32'
sc += '\x0e\x00\x10\x12'
sc += '\x00\x00\x00\x32'
sc += '\x19\x00\x00\xea'
sc += '\x22\x00\x00\x14'
쉘코드에서 가장 핵심적인 내용은 위와 같은 jump문이다.
- x86, x64
0: eb 13 jmp 0x15 2: 00 32 add BYTE PTR [edx],dh 4: 0e push cs 5: 00 10 add BYTE PTR [eax],dl 7: 12 00 adc al,BYTE PTR [eax] 9: 00 00 add BYTE PTR [eax],al b: 32 19 xor bl,BYTE PTR [ecx]
- mips
0: 320013eb andi zero,s0,0x13eb 4: 1210000e beq s0,s0,0x40 8: 32000000 andi zero,s0,0x0 c: ea000019 swc2 $0,25(s0) 10: 14000022 bnez zero,0x9c 14: 90909090 lbu s0,-28528(a0)
- arm
0: 320013eb andcc r1, r0, #-1409286141 ; 0xac000003 4: 1210000e andsne r0, r0, #14 8: 32000000 andcc r0, r0, #0 c: ea000019 b 0x78 10: 14000022 strne r0, [r0], #-34 ; 0xffffffde 14: 90909090 umullsls r9, r0, r0, r0
- arm64
0: 320013eb orr w11, wzr, #0x1f 4: 1210000e and w14, w0, #0x10000 8: 32000000 orr w0, w0, #0x1 c: ea000019 ands x25, x0, x0 10: 14000022 b 0x98 14: 90909090 adrp x16, 0xffffffff21210000 18: 6c63be90 ldnp d16, d15, [x20, #-456]
쉘코드를 짤 때 주의해야할 점은 mips 분기문에서 jump 인스트럭션 이후에 하나의 인스트럭션을 더 실행해야 점프한다는 점이다.
from pwn import *
s = remote('polyshell-01.play.midnightsunctf.se', 30000)
s.recvuntil('number: ')
syscall = int(s.recvline())
s.recvuntil('1: ')
argv1 = int(s.recvline())
s.recvuntil('string "')
argv2 = s.recvline()[:-2].ljust(8,'\x00')
s.info("syscall : " + str(syscall))
s.info("argv1 : " + str(argv1))
s.info("argv2 : " + argv2)
#syscall = 43
#argv1 = 5382
#argv2 = 'molecule'
sc = '\xeb\x13\x00\x32'
sc += '\x0e\x00\x10\x12' # beq s0,s0,0x4
sc += '\x00\x00\x00\x32'
sc += '\x19\x00\x00\xea'
sc += '\x22\x00\x00\x14'
argv2str = str(argv2)
argv2_2 = [u16(argv2[:2]),u16(argv2[2:4]),u16(argv2[4:6]),u16(argv2[6:8])]
argv2_1 = u64(argv2)
argv2 = [u32(argv2[:4]), u32(argv2[4:])]
print "---- i386 ----"
print "---- amd64 ----"
context.arch = 'i386'
sc += asm('nop') * 0x5
sc += asm('mov esi, %d' % argv2[0])
sc += asm('mov edi, %d' % argv2[1])
sc += asm('mov DWORD PTR [esp-0x4],edi')
sc += asm('mov DWORD PTR [esp-0x8],esi')
sc += asm('sub esp, 0x8')
sc += asm('mov ecx, esp')
sc += asm('mov ebx, %d' % argv1)
sc += asm('mov esi, ecx')
sc += asm('mov edi, ebx')
sc += asm('mov al, %d' % syscall)
sc += asm('syscall')
print disasm(sc)
print "---- mips ----"
context.arch = 'mips'
sc += 'A' * 0x7
sc += asm('slti $a2, $zero, -1')
sc += asm('slti $a1, $zero, -1')
sc += asm('slti $a0, $zero, -1')
sc += asm('li $t7, %d' % argv2[0])
sc += asm('sw $t7, -12($sp)')
sc += asm('li $t6, %d' % argv2[1])
sc += asm('sw $t6, -8($sp)')
sc += asm('sw $zero, -4($sp)')
sc += asm('li $a0, %d' % argv1)
sc += asm('la $a1, -12($sp)')
sc += asm('li $v0, %d' % syscall)
sc += asm('syscall')
print disasm(sc)
#a = gdb.debug_shellcode(sc)
print "---- arm ----"
context.arch = 'arm'
sc += asm('''
add r3, pc, #1
bx r3
mov r1, pc
adds r1, #12
mov r0, #%d
mov r7, #%d
svc 1
''' % (argv1, syscall))
sc += argv2str
print disasm(sc)
print "---- arm64 ----"
context.arch = 'arm64'
sc += asm('adr x1, 0x10')
sc += asm('mov x0, %d' % argv1)
sc += asm('mov x8, %d' % syscall)
sc += asm('svc #0x0')
sc += argv2str
print disasm(sc)
You submit your code as a hex encoded string of max 4096 characters (2048 bytes)
Your shellcode: Results:
x86: Success
x86-64: Success
ARM: Success
ARM64: Success
MIPS: Success
Congratulations! Here is your flag: midnight{Its_shellz_all_the_w4y_d0wn}